Equality regardless of gender, Equality regardless of skin color, General guarantee of equality, Equality regardless of race, Equality regardless of nationality, Equality regardless of origin, Equality regardless of tribe or clan, Equality regardless of religion, Equality regardless of social status, Equality regardless of financial status, Equality regardless of creed or belief, Equality regardless of language
Article 14
Everyone is free by birth and is equal before law regardless of race, colour, language, sex, religion, political and other opinions, national, ethnic and social belonging, origin, property and title, place of residence.
Right to development of personality
Article 16
Everyone has the right to free development of his/her personality.
Article 27
The state shall be entitled to impose restriction on the political activity of citizens of a foreign country and stateless persons.
Provisions for wealth redistribution
Article 31
The state shall take care for the equal socio-economic development of the whole territory of the country. With the view of ensuring the socio-economic progress of the high mountain regions special privileges shall be determined by law.
State support for the unemployed
Article 32
The state shall promote the unemployed citizen of Georgia to be employed. The conditions of the provision of a minimum standard of living and the status of the unemployed shall be determined by law.
Right to strike
Article 33
The right to strike shall be recognised. Procedure of exercising this right shall be determined by law. The law shall also establish the guarantees for the functioning of services of vital importance.
Article 39
The Constitution of Georgia shall not deny other universally recognised rights, freedoms and guarantees of an individual and a citizen, which are not referred to herein but stem inherently from the principles of the Constitution.
Presumption of innocence in trials
Article 40
- An individual shall be presumed innocent until the commission of an offence by him/her is proved in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law and under a final judgment of conviction.
- No one shall be obliged to prove his innocence. A burden of proof shall rest with the prosecutor.
- A resolution on proceeding a person as an accused, a bill of indictment and a judgment of conviction shall be based only on the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. An accused shall be given the benefit of doubt in any event.
Article 45
The basic rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution with due regard to their contents shall apply to legal entities as well.
Protection of stateless persons
Article 47
- Foreign citizens and stateless persons residing in Georgia shall have the rights and obligations equal to the rights and obligations of citizens of Georgia with exceptions envisaged by the Constitution and law.
International law
In accordance with universally recognised rules of international law, the procedure established by law, Georgia shall grant asylum to foreign citizens and stateless persons.
- It shall be inadmissible to extradite/transfer an individual seeking a shelter, being persecuted for political creed or prosecuted for an action not regarded as a crime under the legislation of Georgia.