Establishment of judicial council
The Council of Judges and Prosecutors shall be established and shall exercise its functions in accordance with the principles of the independence of the courts and the security of the tenure of judges.
The Council of Judges and Prosecutors shall be composed of thirteen members; shall comprise two chambers.
Legislative committees
The President of the Council is the Minister of Justice. The Undersecretary to the Ministry of Justice shall be an ex-officio member of the Council. By the President of the Republic, three members of the Council shall be selected among civil judges and public prosecutors, who are first category judges or prosecutors and who have not lost the qualifications required for being a first category judge or prosecutor, and one member among administrative judges and public prosecutors who are first category judges or prosecutors and who have not lost the qualifications required for being a first category judge or prosecutor; by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, three members shall be selected from among members of the Court of Cassation, one member shall be selected from among members of the Council of State and three members, the qualifications of whom are defined by law, from among academic members in the field of law of high education institution and lawyers. Among the members elected from academic members and lawyers, at least one shall be an academic member and one shall be a lawyer. The applications for the memberships to be elected by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall be made to the Office of the Speaker of the Assembly. The Office of the Speaker conveys the applications to the Joint Committee composed of members of the Committee on Justice and the Committee on Constitution. The Joint Committee shall elect three candidates for each vacancy with a two-thirds majority of total number of members. If the procedure of electing candidates cannot be concluded in the first round, a threefifth majority of total number of members shall be required in the second round. If the candidates cannot be elected in this round as well, the procedure of electing candidates shall be completed by choosing a candidate by lot, for each membership among the two candidates who have received the highest number of votes. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall hold a secret ballot election for each candidate the Committee has identified. In the first round a two-thirds majority of total number of members shall be required; in case the election cannot be concluded in this round, in the second round a three-fifth majority of total number of members shall be required. Where the member cannot be elected in the second round as well, the election shall be completed by choosing a candidate by lot among the two candidates who have received the highest number of votes.
Members shall be elected for a four year term. Members may be re-elected, at the end of their term of office.
The election of members to the Council shall be held within thirty days before the expiry of the term of office of the members. In case of vacancies for members selected to the Council prior to the expiry of the term of office, new members shall be appointed within thirty days following the vacancy.
The members of the Council, other than the Minister of Justice and the Undersecretary to the Ministry of Justice, shall not assume any duties other than those prescribed by law or be appointed or elected to another office by the Council during their term of office.
The administration and the representation of the Council are carried out by the President of the Council. The President of the Council shall not participate in the work of the chambers. The Council shall elect the heads of chambers from among its members and one Deputy President from among the heads of chambers. The President may delegate some of his/her powers to the Deputy President.
Supreme/ordinary court judge removal
The Council shall make the proceedings regarding the admission of judges and public prosecutors of civil and administrative courts into the profession, appointment, transfer to other posts, the delegation of temporary powers, promotion, and promotion to the first category, decision concerning those whose continuation in the profession is found to be unsuitable, the imposition of disciplinary penalties and removal from office; it shall take final decisions on proposals by the Ministry of Justice concerning the abolition of a court, or changes in the territorial jurisdiction of a court; it shall also exercise the other functions given to it by the Constitution and laws.
Supreme/ordinary court judge removal
Supervision of judges and public prosecutors with regard to the performance of their duties in accordance with laws and other legislations (administrative circulars, in the case of judges); investigation into whether they have committed offences in connection with, or in the course of their duties, whether their behaviour and conduct are in conformity with requirement of their status and duties and if necessary, inquiries and investigations concerning them shall be carried out by the Council’s inspectors, upon the proposal of the related chambers and with the permission of the President of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors. The inquiries and investigations may also be carried out by a judge or public prosecutor who is senior to the judge or public prosecutor to be investigated.
Supreme/ordinary court judge removal
The decisions of the Council, other than dismissal from the profession, shall not be subject to judicial review.
A Secretariat General shall be established under the Council. The Secretary General shall be appointed by the President of the Council from among three candidates proposed by the Council from among first category judges and public prosecutors. The Council is empowered to appoint, with their consent, the Council’s inspectors, judges, and public prosecutors to temporary or permanent functions in the Council.
The Minister of Justice is empowered to appoint judges, public prosecutors, judiciary inspectors, and internal auditors from the profession of judge and public prosecutor, with their consent, to temporary or permanent functions in the central, affiliated, or relevant institutions of the Ministry of Justice.
The election of the members of the Council, formation of the chambers and the division of labour between chambers, the duties of the Council and its chambers, quorum for meetings and decisions, operating procedures and principles, objections to be made against the decisions and proceedings of the chambers and the examination procedure for these objections, and the establishment and the duties of the Secretariat General shall be laid down in law.