The exercise of fundamental rights and duties of citizens;
The constraints imposed on Gabonese citizens and foreigners, over their person and their possessions, in view of public utility and in particular, national security.
Requirements for birthright citizenship, Right to transfer property
The conditions of nationality, the state and capacity of the people, the institution of marriage, inheritance and gifts, and the status of foreigners and immigration;
The organization of the civil state;
Audiovisual, cinematographic and written communication.
The conditions governing the use of information technology with a view to protect a citizen’s honor and personal and familial intimacy, as well as the full exercise of a citizen’s rights;
Second chamber selection, Municipal government, First chamber selection
The electoral system of the National Assembly, of the Senate and the Local Councils.
The organization of the judiciary, and the status of magistrates.
The organization of the Ministerial and Public Offices, the declaration of the Ministerial Officers;
The determination of crimes and offenses as well as their applicable punishments, the penal procedures, the penitentiary system and amnesty;
Emergency provisions
The state of watch, urgency, alert and siege;
The system of associations, of political parties, formations and syndicates;
The basis, the rate and the means of collecting taxes of all nature, and the system of issuing currency;
The general and particular statutes regarding public functions;
The nationalization of private companies and the transfers of the property of enterprises from the public to the private sector;
The general organization of administration and finance;
Municipal government
The creation, the function and the independent administration of the territorial collectivities, their authorities, their resources and their basis for taxes;
The conditions of all societies’ participation at the State’s capital, and the control of the State over the administration of these societies;
Protection of environment
The regulations over land, property, forest, mining, and the environment;
Reference to art, Right to culture
The protection of the artistic, cultural and archeological patrimony;
Protection of environment
The protection of nature and the environment;
The system governing property, real rights, and civil and commercial obligations;
The loans and other financial engagements of the State;
Economic and social programs;
The conditions in which laws of finances of the State are presented and voted upon, and the accounts of the State are balanced;
Budget bills
The laws of finance determining the resources and expenditures of the State within the conditions provisioned by an organic law;
Economic plans
The policy and planning acts that fix the economic, social, cultural and national defense objectives of the State.