the exercise of fundamental rights and duties of citizens;
the constraints imposed on Gabonese and on foreigners in their person and their goods, notably in view of public utility and national defense;
Right to transfer property, Regulation of marriage, Requirements for birthright citizenship
the nationality, state and capacity of persons, matrimonial regimes, successions and gifts, status of foreigners and immigration;
the organization of the civil state;
any audiovisual, cinematographical or written communication;
Right to privacy
the conditions of the usage of information systems so that honor, personal and familial intimacy of citizens, as well as the full exercise of their rights shall be safeguarded;
Municipal government, Second chamber selection, First chamber selection
the electoral system of the National Assembly and local assemblies;
the judicial organization, the creation of new orders of jurisdiction and the status of magistrates;
the organization of ministerial and public offices, the professions of ministerial officers;
the determination of crimes and misdemeanors as well as the penalties which are applicable to them, the penal procedure, the penitentiary and amnesty system;
Emergency provisions
the state of readiness, state of emergency, state of alert and state of siege;
the system of associations, parties, political groups, and syndicates;
the tax base, the tax rate and the means of recovery of impositions of any nature, the system of currency regulation;
the general status of the public function and particular statuses;
the nationalization of enterprises and the transfer of ownership of enterprises of the public sector to the private sector;
the creation or the suppression of autonomous public establishments and services;
the general administrative and financial organization;
the creation, operation and free development of territorial units, their competencies, their resources and their tax base;
the conditions of participation of the State in the ownership of all societies and the control by these means of the development of these societies;
Ownership of natural resources
the administration of public goods, land use, forestry, mining and habitat;
Right to culture, Reference to art
the protection of the artistic, cultural and archeological patrimony;
Protection of environment
the protection of nature and the environment;
the system of ownership, of real rights and of civil and commercial obligations;
the debts and financial engagements of the State;
Economic plans
the programs of economic and social action;
the conditions in which the laws of finance and the accounts of the Nation are presented and voted;
Budget bills
the laws of finance determining the resources and the obligations of the State under conditions provided for by an organic law;
Economic plans
the laws of a program fixing the objectives of the State in economic, social, cultural and national defense matters.