Article 37
Labor is a social function; it enjoys the protection of the State, and it is not regarded an article of commerce.
State support for the disabled, Right to reasonable standard of living, Right to work
The State shall employ all resources that are in its reach to provide employment to manual or intellectual workers, and to ensure him and his family the economic conditions for a dignified existence. In the same form, it shall promote the work and the employment of people with physical, mental or social limitations or disabilities.
Article 38
Labor shall be regulated by a Code which shall have the principal objective of harmonizing the relations between employers and workers, establishing their rights and obligations. It shall be based on general principles that tend toward the improvement of the living conditions of workers, and shall include especially the following rights:
Right to just remuneration
In the same business or establishment and under identical circumstances, to equal work shall correspond equal remuneration for the worker, without regard for his sex, race, creed, or nationality;
Right to reasonable standard of living
Every worker has the right to earn a minimum wage, which shall be fixed periodically. To fix this wage, attention shall be paid above all to the cost of living, the type of work, the different systems of remuneration, the distinct zones of production, and other similar criteria. This wage shall be sufficient to satisfy the normal needs of the worker’s home in their material, moral and cultural aspects.
For piecework, contract work (por ajuste) or work for a lump sum (precio alzado), it is obligatory to assure the minimum wage per day (jornada) of work;
- Salary and social benefits, in the quantity determined by law, are unattachable and cannot be compensated or retained, except for obligations to supply essential support (obligaciones alimenticias). Amounts also may be retained for social security, union quota, or tax obligations. Worker’s instruments of labor are unattachable;
- The salary shall be paid in legal tender (moneda de curso legal). The salary and social benefits constitute privileged credits in relation to other credits that may exist against an employer;
- Employers shall give their workers a bonus for each year of work. The law shall establish the form in which one shall determine the quantity in relation to salaries;
Right to rest and leisure
The ordinary workday (jornada) of effective daytime work shall not exceed eight hours, and the work-week shall not exceed forty-four hours;
The maximum hours of overtime (horas extraordinarias) for each type of work shall be determined by the law.
The night shift (jornada) and the shift that requires dangerous or unhealthy tasks shall be shorter than the daytime shift and shall be regulated by law.
The limitation on working hours shall not apply in cases of force majeure.
The law shall determine the length of pauses that shall interrupt the workday when, attending to biological reasons, the rhythm of tasks so demand, and of those that shall intercede between two workdays.
Overtime and night work shall receive additional remuneration (recargo);
Right to rest and leisure
Every worker has the right to one day of remunerated rest for each work week, in the form required by law.
The workers who do not enjoy rest on the days previously indicated, shall have the right to additional remuneration for the services rendered on these days and a compensatory leave;
Right to rest and leisure
Workers shall have the right to paid rest on the holidays (días de asueto) designated by law; [the law] shall determine the kind of work for which this disposition shall not apply, but in those cases, workers shall have the right to extraordinary remuneration;
Right to rest and leisure
Every worker that accredits a minimum of services performed during a given period, shall have the right to an annual paid vacation in the form determined by law. Vacations shall not be compensated by money and, to the obligation of the employer to grant them corresponds the obligation of the worker to take them;
Limits on employment of children
Those less than fourteen years old, and those having reached this age but who remain subject to obligatory education in virtue of the law, may not be employed in any type of work.
Their employment shall be authorized when it is considered indispensable for their subsistence or that of their family, provided that this does not prevent compliance with the minimum of obligatory education.
The workday for those under sixteen years old cannot be more than six hours a day and thirty-four hours a week, in any kind of work.
Unhealthy or dangerous work is prohibited for persons under eighteen years of age and women. Night work is also prohibited for persons under eighteen years old. The law shall define (determinar) dangerous and unhealthful work;
- The employer who discharges a worker without just cause is obligated to indemnify him according to the law;
- The law shall determine under which conditions employers are obligated to pay their permanent workers who resign from their work an economic compensation (prestación), which amount shall be fixed in relation to their salaries and time of service.
Resignation produces its effects without the need for acceptance by the employer, but the latter’s refusal to pay corresponding compensation constitutes a legal presumption of unfair discharge.
In the case of total and permanent incapacitation or death of the worker, the worker or his beneficiaries shall have the right to the compensations they would receive in the case of voluntary resignation.
Article 39
The law shall regulate the conditions under which collective labor contracts and agreements shall be concluded. The stipulations that these contain shall be applicable to all workers in the businesses that signed them, although they do not belong to the contracting union, and also to the other workers who enter such enterprises while the contracts or agreements are in effect. The law shall establish the procedure to make uniform working conditions in different economic activities, on the basis of provisions contained in the majority of collective contracts and agreements in force in each type of activity.
Article 40
A system of professional training (formación) is established for the preparation and qualification of human resources.
The law shall regulate the scope, extent and form in which the system is to be put in effect.
Contracts of apprenticeship shall be regulated by law, to assure that the apprentice shall receive training in an occupation, dignified treatment, equitable remuneration, and welfare (previsión) and social security benefits.
Article 41
The domestic worker (trabajador a domicilio) has the right to an officially designated minimum wage, and to the payment of indemnification for time lost by motive of an employer’s delay in ordering or receiving work or for the arbitrary or unjustified suspension of work. Domestic workers shall be recognized as having an analogous legal situation as other workers, taking into consideration the special characteristics of their work.
Article 42
The working woman shall be entitled to paid rest before and after childbirth, and to the conservation of her employment.
The laws shall regulate the obligation of employers to install and maintain crib rooms and places of custody for the children of workers.
Article 43
Employers are obligated to pay indemnification and to provide medical, pharmaceutical and other services established by the laws for workers who suffer work accidents or any occupational disease.
Right to safe work environment
Article 44
The law shall regulate the conditions to be met by workshops, factories, and working premises.
The State shall maintain a technical inspection service charged with seeing that legal norms for labor, assistance, welfare, and social security are strictly complied with, to the end of verifying their results, and suggesting pertinent reforms.
Right to rest and leisure
Article 45
Agricultural and domestic workers have the right to protection with respect to wages, working hours, rests, vacations, social security, indemnification for dismissal, and, in general, to social benefits. The extent and nature of the aforementioned rights shall be determined by law according to the conditions and peculiarities of the work. Persons who perform services that are domestic in character in industrial, commercial businesses, social entities and other similar enterprises shall be considered manual workers and shall have the rights granted to these.
Article 46
The State shall propitiate the creation of a bank owned by the workers.
Right to join trade unions
Article 47
Restrictions on the armed forces
Employers and private employees without distinction of nationality, sex, race, creed or political ideas, whatever their activity or the nature of the work they complete, have the right to associate freely for the protection of their respective interests, by forming professional associations or trade unions. Workers in official autonomous institutions, public officials and employees and the municipal employees shall have the same right.
Restrictions on the armed forces
Public officials and employees covered in the third paragraph of Article 219 and of Article 236 of this Constitution, members of the Armed Forces, of the National Civil Police, members of the judicial career and public servants who exercise decision-making functions or have directive responsibilities or are employees whose obligations are of a highly confidential nature, will not have the right stated in the previous paragraph.
In the case of the Public Ministry, along with the head members of the institutions that comprise it, their respective adjuncts, auxiliary agents, auxiliary procurators, labor procurators and delegates will not have the right to unionization.
Said organizations have the right to juridical personality and to be duly protected in the exercise of their functions. Their dissolution or suspension shall be decreed only in the cases and with the formalities determined by the law.
The special norms for the constitutions and functioning of professional and trade union organizations of the countryside and the city shall not restrict freedom of association. All exclusion clauses are prohibited.
Members of the boards of directors (directivas) of trade unions shall be Salvadorans by birth and during the period of their election and mandate, and until a year has passed after they cease their functions, they shall not be dismissed, suspender for disciplinary reasons, transferred, or their working conditions reduced, except for justifiable cause previously approved by a competent authority.
Also, the right to collective bargaining, in accordance to law, is recognized to the workers and employees mentioned in the last part of the first paragraph of this Article. Collective agreements will begin to take effect the first day of the fiscal exercise (or fiscal year) following that of its celebration. A special law shall regulate this matter.
Right to strike
Article 48
Employers have the right to suspend work and workers the right to strike, except in the case of indispensable public services that are established by law. To exercise these rights, no previous approval shall be necessary, after having procured the solution to the conflict which generates them through stages of peaceful solution established by law. The effects of the strike or suspension are antedated to the moment that these initiate.
The law shall regulate these rights with respect to their exercise and conditions.
Article 49
A special jurisdiction is established for labor. The procedures in labor matters shall be regulated in a form that will permit a rapid solution to conflicts.
The State has the obligation to promote conciliation and arbitration, so they constitute effective means for the peaceful solution of labor conflicts. Special administrative boards of conciliation and arbitration shall be established to solve collective conflicts of interests or of an economic character.
Article 50
Social security constitutes a public service of an obligatory character. The law shall regulate its scope, extent, and form.
Said service shall be rendered by one or various institutions, which must observe adequate coordination amongst themselves to assure a good policy of social protection, in specialized form and with maximum utilization of resources.
Employers, workers, and the State shall contribute to the payment of social security in the form and quantity determined by the law.
The State and employers shall be exempt from the obligations imposed by law in favor of the workers, to the extent that these are covered by Social Security.
Article 51
The law shall determine which businesses and establishments, due to their special conditions, are required to provide the worker and his family with suitable housing, schools, medical assistance, and other services and attentions necessary for their well-being.
Article 52
The rights consecrated in favor of the workers cannot be renounced.
The enumeration of the rights and benefits to which this chapter refers, does not exclude others that are derived from principles of social justice.