We, the people of Chile, made up of various nations, freely grant ourselves this Constitution, agreed in a participatory, parity and democratic process.
Translated by Rodrigo Delaveau Swett
We, the people of Chile, made up of various nations, freely grant ourselves this Constitution, agreed in a participatory, parity and democratic process.
Chile, in its geographical, natural, historical and cultural diversity, forms a single and indivisible territory.
People are born and remain free, interdependent and equal in dignity and rights.
Chile is made up of autonomous territorial entities and special territories, within a framework of equity and solidarity, preserving the unity and integrity of the State. The State shall promote cooperation, harmonious integration and adequate and fair development among the various territorial entities.
People and peoples are interdependent with nature and form with it an inseparable whole. The State recognizes and promotes the good living as a relationship of harmonious balance between people, nature and the organization of society.
The State is secular. Freedom of religion and spiritual belief is respected and guaranteed in Chile. No religion or belief is official, notwithstanding to its recognition and free exercise, which has no limitation other than the provisions of this Constitution and the law.
The State recognizes and protects families in their various forms, expressions and ways of life, without restricting them to exclusively filitive or consanguineous ties, and guarantees them a dignified life.
The State recognizes and promotes intercultural, horizontal and transversal dialogue between the various worldviews of the peoples and nations that live together in the country, with mutual dignity and respect. The exercise of public functions must guarantee institutional mechanisms and the promotion of public policies that favor the recognition and understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity, overcoming existing asymmetries in access, distribution and exercise of power, as well as in all areas of life in society.
No person shall be subjected to enforced disappearance. Every victim has the right to be sought and the State shall have all the necessary means to do so.
No person residing in Chile who meets the requirements of this Constitution and the laws may be banished, exiled, relegated or subjected to forced displacement.
The State recognizes neurodiversity and guarantees neurodivergent persons their right to an autonomous life, to freely develop their personality and identity, to exercise their legal capacity and the rights recognized in this Constitution and international human rights treaties and instruments ratified and in force in Chile.
Indigenous peoples and nations and their members, by virtue of their self- determination, have the right to the full exercise of their collective and individual rights. In particular, they have the right to autonomy; self-government; to their own culture; identity and worldview; heritage; to the language; the recognition and protection of their lands, territories and resources, in their material and immaterial dimension and the special bond they maintain with them; cooperation and integration; the recognition of their institutions, jurisdictions and authorities, their own or traditional; and to fully participate, if they so wish, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.
It is the duty of the State to promote the right to continuing education through multiple training opportunities, inside and outside the National System of Education, promoting various spaces of development and integral learning for all people.
The State guarantees an environmental education that strengthens the preservation, conservation and care required with respect to the environment and nature, and that allows to form ecological awareness.
Everyone has the right to receive comprehensive sexuality education, which promotes the full and free enjoyment of sexuality; sex-affective responsibility; autonomy, self- care and consent; recognition of diverse gender and sexuality identities and expressions; eradicating gender stereotypes; and preventing gender-based and sexual violence.
Those who make up the educational communities have the right to participate in the definitions of the educational project and in the decisions of each establishment, as well as in the design, implementation and evaluation of local and national educational policy. The law shall specify the conditions, bodies and procedures that ensure their binding participation.
Workers, through their trade union organizations, have the right to participate in the decisions of the company. The law shall regulate the mechanisms by which this right shall be exercised.
The State guarantees the right of peasants and indigenous peoples and nations to the free use and exchange of traditional seeds.
The Constitution recognizes indigenous peoples and nations the traditional use of waters located in indigenous territories or indigenous territorial autonomies. It is the duty of the State to guarantee their protection, integrity and supply.
Everyone has the right to personal autonomy, to the free development of his or her personality, identity and life projects.
Slavery, forced labor, servitude and trafficking in persons in any of its forms are prohibited. The State shall adopt a policy of prevention, punishment and eradication of such practices. It will also guarantee the protection, full restoration of rights, remediation and social reintegration of victims.
Indigenous peoples and nations have the right to be consulted prior to the adoption of administrative and legislative measures affecting them. The State guarantees the means for the effective participation of these, through its representative institutions, in a prior and free manner, through appropriate, informed procedures. and in good faith.
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and freedom of movement, to reside, remain and move anywhere in the national territory, as well as to enter and leave it. The law shall regulate the exercise of this right.
Professional associations are national and autonomous corporations of public law, which collaborate with the purposes and responsibilities of the State. Its tasks consist of ensuring the ethical exercise of its members, promoting credibility and officially representing the profession before the State and the others established by law.
Everyone has the right to access, search, request, receive and disseminate public information from any organ of the State or from entities that provide services of public utility, in the manner and under the conditions established by law.
The State encourages the creation of media and information and their development at the regional, local and community levels and prevents the concentration of media ownership. In no case may the State monopoly be established over them. It shall be the responsibility of the law to safeguard this precept.
Everyone has the right to the protection and promotion of computer security. The State and individuals shall adopt the appropriate and necessary measures to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality, availability and resilience of the information contained in the computer systems they administer, except for the cases expressly indicated by law.
Everyone has the right to digital education, to the development of knowledge, thought and technological language, as well as to enjoy its benefits. The State ensures that everyone can exercise their rights in digital spaces, for which it will create public policies and finance free plans and programs for this purpose.
Everyone has the right to leisure, rest and to enjoy free time.
The Constitution acknowledges the cultural rights of the Chilean Afro-descendant tribal people and ensures their exercise, development, promotion, conservation and protection.
The State promotes access to books and the enjoyment of reading through plans, public policies and programs. It will also encourage the creation and strengthening of public and community libraries.
Sciences and technologies, their applications and research processes must be developed according to the bioethical principles of solidarity, cooperation, responsibility and with full respect for human dignity, the sentience of animals, the rights of nature and the other rights established in this Constitution and in international human rights treaties ratified and in force in Chile.
Every person and people have the right to communicate in their own language or language and to use them in all spaces. No person or group shall be discriminated against on linguistic grounds.
The State recognizes and protects natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage and guarantees their conservation, revitalization, enhancement, safeguarding and transmission to future generations, regardless of the legal regime and ownership of such assets. It also promotes their dissemination and education.
Nature has the right to respect and protect its existence, to the regeneration, maintenance and restoration of its dynamic functions and balances, which include natural cycles, ecosystems and biodiversity. The State must guarantee and promote the rights of nature.
Everyone has the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.
Everyone has the right to clean air throughout his or her life cycle.
The law may establish restrictions on the exercise of certain rights to protect the environment and nature.
Everyone has the right of responsible and universal access to mountains, riverbanks, seas, beaches, lakes, lagoons and wetlands. The exercise of this right, the obligations of the surrounding owners, the applicable liability regime and access to other natural spaces, will be established by statute.
Everyone has the right to the following minimum criminal procedural guarantees:
The State protects biodiversity, and must preserve, conserve and restore the habitat of wild native species in the appropriate quantity and distribution to sustain the viability of their populations and ensure the conditions for their survival and non- extinction.
The State, through a national system of protected areas, unique, comprehensive and of a technical nature, must guarantee the preservation, restoration and conservation of natural spaces. It must also monitor and maintain up-to-date information regarding the attributes of these areas and ensure the participation of local communities and territorial entities.
It is the duty of the State to regulate and promote the management, reduction and recovery of waste. Natural common goods
The State, as custodian of wetlands, native forests and soils, will ensure the integrity of these ecosystems, their functions, processes and water connectivity.
The State guarantees the protection of glaciers and the glacial environment, including frozen soils and their ecosystem functions.
The State shall protect the ecological and social function of the land.
The State shall promote and protect the community management of drinking water and sanitation, especially in rural and extreme areas and territories, in accordance with the law.
The State shall ensure a reasonable use of the waters. Authorizations for the use of water shall be granted by the National Water Agency, of an inedible nature, granted on the basis of the effective availability of water, and shall oblige the holder to the use that justifies their granting.
Glaciers, protected areas, those established by statute and others declared by statute for reasons of hydrographic protection are excluded from all mining activity.
The Office of the Ombudsman for Nature shall have the following powers:
The direction of the Ombudsman of Nature will be in charge of a defender of nature, who will be appointed in a joint session of the Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions, by the majority of its members in office, based on a shortlist prepared by environmental organizations of civil society, in the manner determined by statute.
The regional statute will consider mechanisms of direct or semi-direct democracy that ensure the incident or binding participation of the population, as appropriate. In the same way, it will consider, at least, the implementation of popular initiatives of local norms at the regional and municipal level, of a binding nature, as well as incident citizen consultations. The budgetary planning of the different territorial entities will always incorporate elements of incident participation of the population.
Matters within the jurisdiction of regional and local governments may be submitted to a referendum in accordance with the provisions of the law and the respective regional statute. A statute shall indicate the minimum requirements for requesting or convening them, the time at which they may be carried out, the voting and counting mechanisms, and the cases and conditions in which their results will be binding.
The Congress of Deputies, the Chamber of the Regions and the representative bodies at the regional and communal level will hold public hearings in the opportunities and forms that the law provides, in which individuals and civil society make known proposals and arguments. Suffrage and electoral system
The organs of the State and those who exercise a public function must be accountable and assume responsibility in the exercise of their office, in the manner and under the conditions that establish the law. The State shall promote the active participation of individuals and civil society in monitoring compliance with this duty.
The State assures all persons due protection, confidentiality and indemnity when reporting infractions in the exercise of public office, especially breaches of probity, transparency and acts of corruption.
Persons convicted of crimes against humanity, sexual crimes and domestic violence, those linked to corruption such as tax fraud, money laundering, bribery, bribery, embezzlement of public funds and others that the law so establishes. The terms and terms of these disabilities shall be determined by statute.
With respect to the highest authorities of the State, the law will establish greater demands and standards of responsibility for compliance with the principles of probity, transparency and accountability.
A commission shall fix the remuneration of the popularly elected authorities, as well as of those who serve as their exclusive trust. Remuneration shall be fixed every four years, at least eighteen months before the end of a presidential term. The agreements of the commission shall be public, shall be based on technical background and shall ensure adequate remuneration for the responsibility of the position. A statute shall establish the composition, functioning and powers of this commission.
The State shall establish a national port policy, guided by the principles of efficiency in the use of the coastal edge; environmental responsibility, with special emphasis on the care of nature and natural common goods; public participation in the resources generated by the activity; connection with the territory and the communities in which the port areas are located; recognition of the port professional career as high-risk work, and collaboration between port enclosures and infrastructure to ensure the timely supply of the communities. 64
Territorial entities and their bodies must act in coordination in compliance with the principles of plurinationality and interculturality; respect and protect the various ways of conceiving and organizing the world, of relating to nature; and guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples and nations to self-determination and autonomy.
Participation in the territorial entities in the regional State.
The territorial entities must promote, encourage and guarantee the mechanisms of participation in public policies, plans and programs that are implemented at each territorial level, in the cases that this Constitution, the law and regional statutes indicate.
Between territorial entities, the principle of non-guardianship applies. No territorial entity may exercise guardianship over another, notwithstanding to the application of the principles of coordination, associativity, solidarity and conflicts of powers that may be caused.
The State is the guarantor of the country's connectivity in coordination with regional governments. Regional connectivity will be promoted with special attention to isolated, rural and hard-to-reach territories.
The communes and autonomous regions located in border areas may link with the territorial entities bordering the neighboring country, through their respective authorities, to establish cooperation and integration programs, directed to promote community development, the provision of public services and the conservation of the environment, in accordance with the terms established by this Constitution and the law.
The election of representatives by popular vote of the territorial entities will be carried out ensuring territorial representativeness, territorial belonging and the respective proximity.
The autonomous commune has the powers and powers of self-government to meet the needs of the local community. The following are the essential powers of the autonomous commune:
The mayor, with the approval of the municipal council, may establish delegations for the exercise of the powers of the autonomous commune in the cases and forms determined by statute.
The government of the autonomous commune resides in the municipality, which will be constituted by the mayor or the mayor and the municipal council, with the participation of the community that inhabits its territory.
Each commune shall have a communal statute drawn up and approved by the municipal council. Notwithstanding to the general minimums provided by statute for all communes, the communal statute establishes the administrative organization and functioning of communal organs, the mechanisms of neighborhood democracy and the rules for the elaboration of communal ordinances.
The autonomous communes, in order to fulfill their functions and exercise their powers, may create companies, or participate in them, either individually or associated with other public or private entities, prior authorization by general or special law. Municipal public enterprises shall have legal personhood and their own assets and shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the law.
The municipalities may establish their personnel plants and the organs or units of their internal structure, in accordance with the law, taking care of the civil service career and its due financing.
The province is a territorial division established for administrative purposes and is composed of a grouping of autonomous communes.
The autonomous region is the political and territorial entity endowed with legal personhood under public law and its own patrimony that enjoys autonomy for the development of regional interests, the management of its economic resources and the exercise of legislative, regulatory, executive and supervisory powers through its bodies within the scope of its powers, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the law.
The autonomous region is responsible for:
The powers not expressly conferred on the autonomous region correspond to the central administration, notwithstanding to the transfers of powers regulated by the Constitution and the law. The powers of the autonomous region may be exercised concurrently and in coordination with other organs of the State.
The institutional organization of the autonomous regions consists of the regional government and the regional assembly.
The following are the essential powers of regional governments:
The powers of the regional assembly are:
The law shall determine the public services, institutions or enterprises of the State which, by virtue of their supervisory purposes or for reasons of efficiency and general interest, shall maintain a centralized or decentralized organization in the entire territory of the republic.
The law shall establish the exclusive competences of indigenous territorial autonomies and those shared with other territorial entities. Indigenous territorial autonomies shall have the necessary powers and financing for the proper exercise of the right of self-determination of peoples and nations. Indigenous.
In the special territory of Rapa Nui, the State guarantees the right to self-determination and autonomy of the Rapanui Polynesian nation people, ensuring the means to finance and promote their development, protection and well-being under the Agreement of Wills signed in 1888, by the which is incorporated into Chile. The Rapanui people are recognized as collectively title to the rights to the territory with the exception of the individual land rights of its members. A statute of autonomy will regulate the Rapa Nui territory.
The Juan Fernández archipelago is a special territory made up of the Robinson Crusoe, Alejandro Selkirk, Santa Clara, San Félix and San Ambrosio islands, and the maritime territory adjacent to them. The government and administration of this territory shall be governed by such special statutes as may be established by statute.
The Chilean Antarctic territory, including its maritime spaces, is a special territory and border area in which Chile exercises respectively sovereignty and sovereign rights, with full respect for ratified and current treaties. The State shall conserve, protect and care for Antarctica, through a policy based on knowledge and oriented to scientific research, international collaboration and peace.
The State will adopt the necessary measures to prevent violence and overcome the inequalities faced by rural women and girls, promoting the implementation of public policies that guarantee the equal enjoyment of rights. which the Constitution enshrines.
The State encourages local markets, free fairs and short circuits of commercialization and exchange of goods and products related to rurality.
Territorial entities shall have the following sources of revenue:
Regional and local governments may issue debt in accordance with the provisions of the law, general or special, which will establish at least the following regulations:
The Legislative Power is composed of the Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions.
The exclusive powers of the Congress of Deputies are:
The accusation will be processed in accordance with the law that regulates the matter.
The charges referred to in points (2), (3), (4) and (5) may be brought while the person concerned is in office or within three months of the expiration of his or her position. Once the accusation has been filed, he may not leave the country without the permission of the Congress of Deputies and may not do so in any case if the accusation has already been approved by it.
To declare that the accusation against the President of the Republic or a regional governor has taken place, the vote of the majority of the deputies in office will be required. The accused person shall not be suspended from his duties.
In other cases, the vote of the majority of the deputies present will be required and the accused person will be suspended from his functions from the moment the Congress of Deputies declares that the accusation has taken place. The suspension shall cease if the Chamber of the Regions dismisses the accusation or if it does not pronounce itself within the following thirty days.
Deputies and regional representatives are renewed in their entirety every four years and can be re-elected successively in office for up to one term. For these purposes, it will be understood that they have exercised their office for a period when they have completed more than half of their mandate.
The Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions shall meet in joint session to:
Only by virtue of a statute can one:
The following are statutes of necessary presidential concurrence:
Statutes relating to the organization, functioning and procedures of the Legislative Branch and Justice Systems; to electoral and plebiscitary processes; to the regulation of states of constitutional exception; to the regulation of political organizations; and those that regulate the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Ombudsman's Office, the Ombudsman's Office, the Electoral Service, the Court Constitutional and the Central Bank must be approved by the favorable vote of the majority of the members in office of the Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions.
When due to illness, absence from the territory of the republic or other serious reason, the President is unable to exercise his office, he shall subrogate him, with the title of Vice President of the Republic, the corresponding Minister of State, according to the order of legal precedence.
The following are the powers of the person who Holds the Presidency of the Republic:
The appointment of those who represent the ministries and public services with a presence in the autonomous region shall be the decision of the Presidency of the Republic.
Measures taken in the exercise of the powers conferred in states of constitutional emergency may be reviewed by the courts of justice both on their merits and in form. Requisitions that are made will give rise to compensation in accordance with the law.
Courts of justice are structured according to the principle of judicial unity as the basis for their organization and functioning and are subject to the same legal status and principles.
Judges may not be charged or deprived of their liberty, except in cases of flagrante delicto, if the proper court of appeal does not declare one or more chapters of the respective indictment admissible. The decision that is pronounced on the complaint of chapters will be appealable to the Supreme Court. Once the decision accepting the complaint is final, the criminal proceedings will continue in accordance with the general rules and the judge will be suspended from the exercise of her functions.
Judges are immovable. They may not be suspended, transferred or removed, except in accordance with the grounds and procedures established by the Constitution and the laws.
Judges are personally liable for the offences of bribery, failure to comply with the laws governing the procedure in substance and, in general, for any prevarication, refusal or crooked administration of justice. The law shall determine the cases and the manner in which this responsibility is to be enforced.
Judges cease to hold office for reaching the age of seventy, for resignation, for a finding of supervening legal incapacity or for removal.
The jurisdictional function is based on the guiding principles of open justice, which is manifested in transparency, participation and collaboration, in order to guarantee the rule of law, promote social peace and strengthen democracy.
The National Justice System shall enjoy financial autonomy. Annually, the necessary funds for its proper functioning will be allocated in the Budget Act.
Courts must comply with the principle of proximity and roaming. In order to guarantee access to justice and effective judicial protection, they may operate in localities located outside their place of residence, always within the territory of their competence.
The National Justice System is composed of the neighborhood justice, the courts of instance, the courts of appeals and the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court will hear and resolve remedies filed against the decisions of the indigenous jurisdiction, it will do so in a specialized room and assisted by a technical counsel composed of experts in their culture and own law, in the form that establish the law.
The administrative management and the directive and correctional superintendence of the Election Certification Court and the regional electoral tribunals shall correspond to the Council of Justice.
The powers of the Council of Justice are:
All autonomous entities are governed by the principle of parity. It promotes the implementation of affirmative action measures, ensuring that at least fifty percent of its members are women.
The treasury of the State may not make any payment except by virtue of a decree or resolution issued by a competent authority, in which the law or the part of the budget authorizing that expenditure is expressed. Payments shall also be made in accordance with the chronological order laid down therein and after budgetary endorsement of the document ordering payment.
The Central Bank is responsible for regulating the amount of money and credit in circulation, for the execution of credit operations and international exchanges, and for the power to issue rules on monetary matters, credit, financial and international exchanges, and the others established by statute.
The Central Bank shall report periodically to the Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions in joint session on the implementation of the policies under its charge, the measures and general rules it adopts in the exercise of its functions and powers. and other matters requested, through reports or other mechanisms determined by statute.
There will be deputy prosecutors of the Public Ministry, who will exercise their function in the specific cases assigned to them, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws.
Whoever acts as a national prosecutor and those who serve as regional prosecutors must annually render a public account of their management. In the first case, the account will be rendered before the Congress of Deputies and the Chamber of the Regions, in joint session and, in the second, before the respective regional assembly.
There will be an autonomous body called the National Data Protection Agency, which will ensure the promotion and protection of personal data, with powers to regulate, investigate, supervise and sanction public and private entities, which will have the powers, composition and functions determined by law.
The Constitutional Court is an autonomous, technical and professional body, charged with exercising constitutional justice to guarantee the supremacy of the Constitution, in accordance with the principles of deference to the legislative body, presumption of constitutionality of the law and search for an interpretation in accordance with the Constitution. Its decisions are based solely on grounds of law.
Those who make up the Constitutional Court are independent of all other powers and enjoy irremovability. They cease in their positions for having completed their period, for supervening legal incapacity, for resignation, for sentence criminal conviction, for removal, for illness incompatible with the exercise of the function or for another cause established by law.
The Constitutional Court shall have the following powers:
This Constitution shall enter into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette within ten days of its promulgation. As of this date, the Political Constitution of the Republic of 1980, promulgated by Decree-Law No. 3,464 of 1980, the consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of which is established in Supreme Decree No. 100 of 17 September 2005, its constitutional amendments, will be repealed. subsequent and their interpretative laws, notwithstanding to the rules contained in these transitional provisions.
All current regulations shall remain in force as long as they are not repealed, modified or replaced, or as long as they are not declared contrary to the Constitution by the Constitutional Court in accordance with the procedure established in this Constitution. As soon as the Constitution is published, the heads of service of the organs of the State must adapt their internal regulations in accordance with the principle of constitutional supremacy. Within four years of the entry into force of this Constitution, the initiative to repeal the law contained in article 158 shall also proceed with respect to laws enacted prior to it.
Until March 11, 2026, the approval of the constitutional reform projects will require the favorable vote of four sevenths of the members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Constitutional amendment bils approved by the National Congress that substantially alter the matters indicated in article 384, paragraph 1, of this Constitution or the chapters on Nature and Environment and Transitional Provisions must be submitted to the ratification referendum on constitutional reform established in article 384. If the reform bill is approved by two-thirds of the members of both Houses, it will not be submitted to such a referendum.
The assets, rights and obligations of the Chamber of Deputies will be transferred to the Congress of Deputies, without a solution of continuity. 145 146 and Deputies. The same shall apply to the assets, rights and obligations of the Senate, which shall be transferred to the Chamber of the Regions.
The competent bodies must make within one year the necessary modifications to enable the exercise of the right to vote for Chileans abroad in the terms established in this Constitution.
As long as the legislator does not determine the urgency with which the popular initiatives of law contained in article 157 of this Constitution will be processed, the urgency will be applied. simple indicated in article 27 of Law No. 18,918. Likewise, the Electoral Service, within a maximum period of three months, will dictate the instructions and guidelines necessary for the implementation of this mechanism of popular participation and the initiative to repeal the law contemplated in the article 158.
The legislator and the organs of the State Administration must adapt the content of the regulations relating to the organization, operation and integration of the organs of the regional State and its territorial entities, transfers of powers and the general minimums for communal statutes in no less than six months before the election of their authorities. The regional social council and the communal social assembly will be installed and will become operational once their respective laws of organization, functioning and powers are issued.
Within two years of the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic, after a process of indigenous participation and consultation, shall send to the Legislative Branch the bill that regulate the procedures of creation, forms of territorial delimitation, statutes of operation, powers, resolution of disputes between territorial entities and other matters related to indigenous territorial autonomies. Once the project has been entered, the Legislative Power will have a maximum period of three years for its processing and dispatch.
Within one year of the entry into force of the Constitution, the State shall initiate a process of consultation and indigenous participation with the Rapanui people to determine the procedure, integration and term for the creation of the Rapa Nui Territorial Assembly, which shall be constituted in order to elaborate the statute that will regulate the exercise of the autonomy of the territory. The statute must also regulate the coordination mechanisms with the State and the rest of the territorial entities and the way of implementing the special laws that govern Rapa Nui. The statute and its elaboration process are limited by what is indicated in this Constitution.
Within a period of two years from the entry into force of the Constitution, the legal bodies for the creation of the Statute of Administration and Government of the special territory of Juan Fernández must be issued.
Within three months of the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic shall convene all regional governors to the first session of the Council of Governors, in order to organize and progressively develop the powers that this Constitution confers on it.
Associations of civil servants governed by statute No. 19,296 and trade unions of workers providing services to the State under the Labour Code of state services or bodies whose name, organization, functions or powers are modified by it Constitution, or those of those that are modified or transformed, will remain in force, without solution of continuity, in the new services or public bodies established by this Constitution, as appropriate.
Within four years of the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic shall submit a draft 151 of the framework law on territorial planning in accordance with the provisions of article 197. The Legislative Branch must process the project within two years of its presentation.
Within a period of eighteen months, the President of the Republic shall submit a bill amending Law No. 21,430 on Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of the Child. and Adolescence to incorporate in this the mechanisms for the prevention, prohibition and punishment of violence against children and the corresponding adaptations in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
Within a maximum period of three years from the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic shall implement the Policy for the Restoration of Soils and Native Forest. This policy shall be implemented through an extended process of participation and deliberation at regional and local level and shall contain the relevant regulatory adjustments and other necessary instruments in accordance with the provisions of the Article. 136 of this Constitution.
Within one year of the entry into force of the Constitution, the President of the Republic shall convene the constitution of an ecological transition commission. It will depend on the Ministry of the Environment and will be responsible for designing proposals for legislation, regulatory adaptation and public policies aimed at the implementation of the constitutional norms of the nature section . and environment. This commission will be composed of academics, civil society organizations, representatives of indigenous peoples and relevant public bodies.
The National Copper Corporation of Chile will continue to exercise the rights acquired by the State over copper mining by virtue of the nationalization prescribed in the seventeenth transitional provision of the Political Constitution of 1925, and ratified in the transitional provision third of the 1980 Constitution, and will continue to be governed by the aforementioned transitional constitutional regulations and their complementary legislation.
Forced arbitrations that at the time of the entry into force of this Constitution are located in arbitral tribunals will continue their processing until their conclusion.
The rule established in article 374 , paragraph 2 , shall enter into force when the law is enacted to allow the expansion of the staff of the Criminal Defender's Office. Public, a process that must be concluded within five years of the entry into force of this Constitution. At the end of this period, no new tenders may be made, notwithstanding to the exceptions established by statute. The law may establish different dates for the start of the exclusive public benefit, being able to determine the gradual application of it in different regions of the country.
Until the law regulating the procedure for actions for the protection of rights contemplated in articles 119 and 120 is promulgated, the orders agreed upon by the Supreme Court on processing and ruling will remain in force. of the relevant constitutional actions. The competent court to hear such actions shall be the respective court of appeals and its decisions shall be appealable to the Supreme Court.
The constitutional norms relating to the new constitutional bodies shall enter into force, in each case, with the enactment of their laws on organization, functioning and competence.
The President of the Republic shall submit, within one year of the entry into force of this Constitution, a bill relating to the Council of Justice in accordance with the provisions of article 345. Until this law is enacted, the system of appointments, as well as the government and administration of the courts of justice under the terms of article 343, shall be shall be governed by the rules in force at the time of the entry into force of this Constitution. The constitution of the Council of Justice will have priority in the implementation of the new institutionality.
Until the law is issued that incorporates the new powers of the national prosecutor and creates the Committee of the Public Ministry with its new powers, the national prosecutor and the General Council of the Public Ministry continue to exercise the powers and powers in force upon the entry into force of this Constitution.
Since the entry into force of this Constitution and as long as the legal provisions that comply with the constitutional norms relating to the regional comptrollers are not issued, the Law on the Organization and Powers of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, the consolidated text of which was established by Decree No. 2421 of 1964 of the Ministry of Finance, and the rules on organization and powers of the regional comptrollers established in the relevant resolutions of the Comptroller General of the Republic. During this period, the Comptroller General may modify these resolutions, guaranteeing the existence of at least one regional comptroller's office in each region of the country.
If compliance with a judgment handed down against the State of Chile by international human rights tribunals recognized by it contravenes a final judicial judgment, the Supreme Court may extraordinarily review that judgment in accordance with the procedure established in articles 473 et seq. of the Code of Criminal Procedure, within one year of notification of the international judgment and having as a ground for review the aforementioned contravention. All this, until a statute regulates a different procedure of general compliance with the aforementioned sentences .
Within two years of the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic shall submit a bill regulating the organization, financing and powers of the Office of the Ombudsman and the Office of the Ombudsman of the Nature. From its entry, the Legislative Power will have a period of eighteen months for processing and dispatch to promulgation. For all purposes, it shall be understood that the Ombudsman's Office created by this Constitution is the legal successor and successor in all the assets, rights and obligations of the National Institute of Human Rights.
By virtue of the provisions of article 24 of this Constitution and as long as criminal legislation is not in conformity with it, article 103 of the Criminal Code shall not be applicable to acts which, in accordance with the international treaties and instruments ratified by Chile, constitute of serious human rights violations.
The organs that prior to the issuance of this Constitution had legal status and that by virtue of this have been elevated to constitutional rank will carry out their transition in accordance with the provisions of their own regulations, the law and this Constitution.
Within a period of three years from the entry into force of this Constitution, the President of the Republic shall enter into a comprehensive law on assets that addresses the institutionality and regulation of the cultural, natural and indigenous heritage, in compliance with articles 24 paragraph 5, 93, 101, 102 and 202 letter h) and i).