We, the Sovereign People of Burkina Faso:
- CONSCIOUS of our responsibilities and of our duties before history and before humanity;
STRENGTHENED by the democracies [we have] acquired;
Human dignityCOMMITTED to preserve those acquired and animated by a will to construct a State of law guaranteeing the exercise of collective and individual rights, liberty, dignity, security, well-being, development, equality and justice as the fundamental values of a pluralist society of progress and free from all prejudice;
REAFFIRMING our commitment to the struggle against any form of domination as well as to the democratic character of power;
REAFFIRMING the republican character of the forces of defense and of security;
DETERMINED to promote integrity, probity, transparence, impartiality and the obligation to render account as the republican and ethical values proper to moralize the life of the Nation;
RECOGNIZING the customary and traditional leadership as [a] moral authority[,] depository of the customs and of the traditions in our society;
RECOGNIZING that the promotion of gender is a factor for realization of the equality of law between men and women of Burkina Faso;
Regional group(s)SEARCHING [for] the economic and political integration with the other peoples of Africa with a view to the construction of a federative unity of Africa;
International law, International human rights treatiesSUBSCRIBING to the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1948 and to the international instruments concerning economic, political, social and cultural problems;
International human rights treaties, International lawREAFFIRMING solemnly our commitment vis-a-vis the African Charter of the Rights of Man and of Peoples of 1981;
International lawCONSIDERING our attachment to the democratic values and principles as inscribed in the African Charter of Democracy, of Elections and of Governance of 30 January 2007 and in the Protocol A/SP1/12/01 of 21 December 2001 of ECOWAS [CEDE40, Communauté Économic des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest] on democracy and good governance;
DESIROUS to promote peace, international cooperation, the peaceful resolution of differences between States, with justice, equality, liberty and the sovereignty of peoples;
Protection of environmentCONSCIOUS of the absolute necessity to protect the environment;